Lake Chaffe

Lake Chaffee was formed from a small pond and surrounding swamp when an earthen dam/levee was installed sometime prior to 1934. The community is comprised of about 700 lots and presently fewer than 260 Lake Chaffee property owners.


Who We Are

The Lake Chaffee Improvement Association, Inc. (LCIA) is a corporation formed under special act of the Connecticut legislature. Membership is limited to owners of property located within the boundaries of the Lake Chaffee Inc. plot plan filed in May 1950.

The LCIA holds three public meetings per year, one each in June, July and August (to best accomodate seasonal members) at which officers and directors are elected, annual budgets adopted, and other issues submitted by members are addressed.

The LCIA holds monthly board meetings to ensure that the needs of the membership are met throughout the year without interruption.

The LCIA is responsible for, among other matters:

  • preservation of the LCIA-owned resources including lake bottom, water quality, LCIA beaches, islands, ascess points, and association roads
  • preservation and maintenance of the dam (without which there is no Lake Chaffee)
  • quality-of-life issues related to our lake and our lake community


  1. LCIA holds title to all property beneath the lake, up to and including that portion of the dam which is below the waterline. The dam inself is an earthwork several hundred feet long, on property owned by various LCIA members.
  2. All roads within the boundaries of LCIA except Ference (Route 89), Lakeview Drive, and Old Town Road are owned and maintained by the LCIA.